User accounts

This page explains user account registration, log in/log out, user settings.


You can register a new account with the following steps:

  1. Access the log in page. Refer to Log in/Log out page.
  2. Click "Register" in the log in page to display Registration page. Input the necessary information for registration.
  3. Regist the "Username". "Username" can contain maximum 30 characters which consist of letters(a-zA-Z), numbers(0-9), dashes(-), underscores(_), period(.), plus sign(+) and at sign(@).
  4. Regist the "Email". "Email" only accepts VMI's address.
  5. Regist the "Password". Enter the same password in "Password confirmation".
  6. Click [Send activation email] after entering the account information.
  7. You will receive an email from After accessing the email link, the account activaion will be completed.
Log in/Log out

Log in

If you have a valid account, you can log in to MuographView for mMOS

Click a Log in link to display log in page.

Enter a valid Username and Password to log in.

Select "Remember Me" to omit entering account information next time.

If you don't have a valid account, click "Register" to create a new account. Please refer to Registration.

Forgot password
  1. If you forgot the password, click "Forgot your password?" to display Password reset page.
  2. Password reset page

  3. Enter the registered email at Password reset page and click [Reset my password].
  4. You will receive an email with a link to update your password. Click the email link to display Set your new password page.
  5. If you don't receive an email, make sure you're checking the correct email inbox. Click [Resend] again after a few minutes later. If you still can't receive the email, contact iREVS administrator.

  6. Enter the new password, click the [Save] button.
  7. Make sure you can log in with your new password.

Log out

To log out, click the Log out button at the top right of the browser and click [Log out] button on the Log out page.

User settings

Click on the user name at the top right of the browser to display the account information.