This page explains user account registration, log in/log out, user settings.
You can register a new account with the following steps:
If you have a valid account, you can log in to MuographView for mMOS
Click a Log in link to display log in page.
Enter a valid Username and Password to log in.
Select "Remember Me" to omit entering account information next time.
If you don't have a valid account, click "Register" to create a new account. Please refer to Registration.
Password reset page
If you don't receive an email, make sure you're checking the correct email inbox. Click [Resend] again after a few minutes later. If you still can't receive the email, contact iREVS administrator.
To log out, click the Log out button at the top right of the browser and click [Log out] button on the Log out page.
Click on the user name at the top right of the browser to display the account information.
Email : You can change the registered email.
Timezone, Language : Unused
Change password : You can change the registered password.
To change the password, Enter "Current Password", "New Password" and "New Password (again)", then click [Save] button.
To delete your account, please click the [Delete My Account] button. The account information will be deleted within 48 hours.
"Click the Return to Dashboard" link to display Dashboard page.
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